We’ve all been there: You stride into the glitzy casino lobby brimming with confidence, wallet filled with cash and plans for just a few hours of enjoyable, sensible gambling. But then a couple rounds of cocktails and two hours later, you’ve no idea what time it is or how much money you’ve lost. This is because casinos use sound, lights and even physical design to trick people into spending their money.
Here are nine tricks casinos use to keep you from walking away.
1. Keep the sunk cost fallacy at bay.
When you’re on a losing streak, it’s easy to convince yourself that you should keep playing to get back the money you’ve already lost. But the reality is, you’re more likely to lose more if you continue gambling than if you walk away, no matter how big or small your wins are. So the best way to avoid this trap is to set a budget and stick to it.
2. Don’t confuse coins with chips.
Many people have difficulty distinguishing actual cash from gambling tokens like chips. When you’re playing with chips, the sunk costs of a loss don’t feel as real and you might find yourself betting more than you’re comfortable with. So make sure to play with cash only in a safe environment.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
If you’re ever stuck in a casino game, don’t be afraid to ask for help from the customer service representatives. If you can’t reach them on the phone or by email, they may have a live chat option that can help resolve your issue quickly. This can be especially helpful if you’re dealing with an unfamiliar game that isn’t working properly.
4. Don’t let the noise and smell distract you from your goals.
It’s hard to focus on winning if you’re distracted by the buzz of the casino floor or the smell of food cooking in the kitchen. If you’re having trouble concentrating, try visiting a casino during a different time of day when it’s less busy. Also, try not to drink too much. You might be tempted to gamble more than you planned when you’re tipsy, but this will only lead to bigger losses in the long run.
5. Don’t be fooled by free drinks.
Casinos offer a lot of free alcohol in an effort to lure players into spending more than they intended to. But don’t be fooled: the freebies are just a distraction from your budget. It’s easy to spend more than you planned if you’re drunk, so keep your wallet closed until your timer goes off.
Casino is a classic Martin Scorsese movie that illustrates the mob’s ill-fated attempt to control Vegas before giant gambling corporations took over. It’s a riveting film that shows just how predatory and ruthless the mafia could be. And Robert De Niro’s performance is nothing short of incredible. It’s one of the best performances he’s ever given.